Sliding Hangar Doors


Built for Beijing Daxing International Airport China Eastern Base

TheBeijingDaxingInternationalAirportChinaSouthernAirlinesBaseNo.1hangarcoveranareaof39,000squaremeters,equivalentto5footballfieldsor80basketballcourts,isthelargestsingle-bodyprojectintheChinaSouthernAirlinesBase,whencompleted,itwillbethelargestmaintenancehangarinAsiawithaspanofover400Mandisalsothelargestsingleunithangarintheworld.Thehangarhave5wide-bodybaysand3narrow-bodybays.  TheSouthernAirlinesBaseprojectis1setelectricalslidinghangardoor,thermalinsulationleaves,theopeningsizeis402.1Mwidth(horizontalaxislength450M)by26Mheight,total10leaves(eachbigleafiscombinedof2independentleaveswithflexibleconnections),eachbigleafis402.1Mwidthby26Mheight,combinedwith2independantsteelstructurewithflexibleconnection.Eachsmallleafis56Tweightandeachbigleafis112Tweight.

Built for Eastern Airlines Base of Beijing Daxing International Airport

Total construction area of the first phase of the engineering maintenance area of China Eastern Beijing Daxing International Airport is 85,000 square meters. The hangar door is 145.7 meters wide and 21 meters high.

Built for Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Corporation Limited B747

Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Corporation Limited is a joint venture of Air China Limited (Air China) and Lufthansa German Airlines (Lufthansa). Ameco B747 paint hangar can serve a B747 for paint work, or serve a B747, a B767 and a B737 for overhaul works at one time. This hangar door, 82.2m wide by 22m high, is designed with daylighting panels to meet hangar lighting requirements. This hangar door was officially put into use in October, 2009.

Built for Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Corporation Limited (Ameco Beijing)

A380 hangar can accommodate four A380 aircrafts and three B747 aircrafts at one time which is the largest hangar in Asia. Therefore, this hangar door of 350.2m wide and 27m high is also the largest sliding hangar door in Asia.

Built for China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd.

This power (manually) operated steel insulation door, 153.7m wide by 21m high, is divided into eight leaves on four tracks. Each leaf, 9.3m wide by 21m high, can move independently. This hangar door without door pocket is designed with personnel door, 1m wide by 2m high, which is double-leaf folding safety door.

Built for Boeing Shanghai Aviation Services Co., Ltd.

This project locates at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the hangar is a 2-bay hangar (maintenance bay and paint bay).This hangar door, 162.45m wide by 22m high, comprises of 8 door leaves. Each door of single bay can be opened fully. A personnel door is designed for each two leaves.
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